The mortar and pestle set is a handy tool that many Pagans and other folks use for grinding and blending herbs and dried ingredients together during a magical working.
The mortar, which is shaped like a bowl and the pestle is shaped like a baseball bat, which is held in the hand, is often roughened to aid in the grinding and crushing of herbs, resins, or whatever else you may be working with.
The Triquetra symbolizes the three faces of the Goddess, balance of the Mind, Body and Spirit. The circle signifies the ever-turning cycle of life, death and rebirth. Germanic neopagan groups who use the Triquetra to symbolize their faith generally believe it is originally of Norse and Germanic origins. The symbol is also sometimes used by wiccans and some new agers to symbolize the Triple Goddess, or as a protective symbol.
*Measures approximately 2.5 inches tall and diameter is 3.5 inches
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