Your magical altar is a sacred place for ritual and spellwork. An altar cloth is most often used to cover your altar, especially if it is made out of wood, to protect the surface, as a decoration and honour your specific deity, Goddess/God or patron.
Altar cloth displays a silver Triquetra at its center, bordered by golden Celtic Knots. The Triquetra symbolizes the three faces of the Goddess, balance of the Mind, Body and Spirit. The circle signifies the ever-turning cycle of life, death and rebirth. Cloth measures 36" X 36" and is 100% cotton. Beautiful size for a medium to large altar or to do a tarot reading on.
The Triquetra symbolizes the three faces of the Goddess, balance of the Mind, Body and Spirit. The circle signifies the ever-turning cycle of life, death and rebirth. Germanic neopagan groups who use the Triquetra to symbolize their faith generally believe it is originally of Norse and Germanic origins. The symbol is also sometimes used by wiccans and some new agers to symbolize the Triple Goddess, or as a protective symbol.
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Many Blessings and Merry Meet!